
I verb annoy, arrest, barricade, be an impediment, be an obstacle, block, bother, check, clog, constrain, cramp, cripple, curb, detain, discommode, discourage, encumber, fetter, get in the way, halt, hamper, hamstring, handicap, hold back, impair, impede, impedire, incommode, inconvenience, inhibit, intercept, interfere, interrupt, keep back, obstruct, occlude, prevent temporarily, prohibere render difficult, restrain, restrict, retard, retardare, set back, shackle, slow down, stand in the way, trammel, traverse, work against associated concepts: interference with a contract, interference with a lawful order, obstructing justice II index arrest (stop), balk, bind (restrain), block, check (restrain), clog, conflict, constrain (restrain), constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), control (restrain), counter, counteract, countervail, curb, debar, defer (put off), delay, detain (restrain), deter, disable, disadvantage, disappoint, discommode, discontinue (break continuity), discourage, disrupt, enjoin, estop, fetter, fight (counteract), foil, forbid, forestall, frustrate, halt, hamper, hold up (delay), impair, impede, inconvenience, inhibit, interdict, interfere, interpose, interrupt, keep (restrain), limit, lock, obstruct, obturate, occlude, oppugn, preclude, prevent, prohibit, repress, repulse, resist (oppose), restrain, stall, stave, stay (halt), stem (check), stop, suspend, tamper, thwart, toll (stop), trammel, withhold, withstand

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006