- Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. — He who receives a benefit should also bear the disadvantage
astrict, baffle, balk, bridle, burden, cause problems, check, circumscribe, constrain, cramp, cumber, curb, damage, deprive of advantage, disaccommodate, discommode, encumber, foil, frustrate, hamper, handicap, harm, hinder, hold back, hold in check, impair, impede, impedite, incommode, incommodum, inconvenience, inhibit, injure, interfere with, limit, muzzle, obstruct, overburden, overload, prejudice, put out, rein, repress, restrict, retard, saddle, shackle, stall, stymie, suppress, thwart, trammel, weaken, weigh down
damper (stopper), detriment, discommode, drawback, encumber (hinder), encumbrance, expense (sacrifice), fetter, handicap, harm, hindrance, impairment (drawback), inconvenience, incumbrance (burden), inexpedience, liability, misfortune, penalty, prejudice (injury), prejudice (injure)Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006