
I (argument) noun altercation, bickering, broil, certamen, clash, conflict, confrontation, contest, controversy, debate, difference, disagreement, discord, disputation, dispute, dissension, embroilment, estrangement, expression of contrary opinions, imbroglio, logomachy, oral contention, polemics, pugna, quarrel, row, schism, squabble, strife, variance, verbal contest, war of words, wrangle II (battle) noun action, affray, appeal to arms, armed action, assault, attack, bloodshed, bout, brawl, clash of arms, combat, contest, encounter, engagement, exchange of blows, fracas, fray, hostile encounter, pugilatio, rencounter, resistance, scuffle, skirmish, struggle, tussle, war, warfare III (battle) verb act in opposition, altercate, appeal to arms, assail, assault, assume the offensive, attack, bandy with, be violent, break the peace, campaign, carry on war, challenge, close with, combat, come to blows, commit hostilities, compete with, confront, contend, contest, declare war, dispute, duel, engage, exchange blows, exchange fisticuffs, face danger, go to war, grapple with, have words with, joust, make war, oppose, proelium committere, pummel, rebel, reluct, resist, resort to arms, revolt, scrimmage, scuffle, set to, skirmish, spar, squabble, stand up to, strike, struggle against, take on, take the offensive, take up arms, tourney, tussle, vie with, wage war, wrestle with IV (counteract) verb act in opposition to, be at cross-purposes, be contrary, be obstructive, confound, confute, contradict, counter, countermine, counterpose, counterwork, cross, debar, defy, disapprove, foil, frustrate, hinder, impede, inhibit, interfere, make a stand against, negate, object, obstruct, oppose, preclude, prevent, protest, rebuff, reject, repulse, resist, run against, run counter to, side against, spurn, stand against, stand up to, thwart, traverse, vote down, work against associated concepts: fight passage V index affray, altercation, beat (strike), bicker, brawl (noun), brawl (verb), collision (dispute), commotion, conflict, confrontation (altercation), contend (dispute), contention (opposition), contest (dispute), contest, disagree, fracas, fray, grapple, incompatibility (difference), oppose, oppugn, resist (oppose), resistance, rift (disagreement), strife, strive, struggle, withstand

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