
I verb act in advance, antevertere, anticipate, arrest, avert, avoid, await, be armed, be forewarned, bring to a standstill, cancel, censor, check, counteract, deter, disallow, enjoin, estop, filibuster, forbid, forfend, frustrate, halt, hinder, hold back, impede, inhibit, intercept, interfere, intervene, look forward to, make provisions, obstruct, obviate, praecipere, praevenire, preclude, prepare for, prevent, prohibit, provide against, stave off, stay, stifle, stop, stymie, suppress, suspend, take precautions, thwart, veto, wait for, ward off associated concepts: forestall an action II index arrest (stop), avert, balk, clog, condemn (ban), debar, defer (put off), detain (restrain), deter, discourage, enjoin, estop, frustrate, prevent, refrain, repel (drive back), stay (halt), stop, thwart

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006