
I noun bond, bridle, catena, chain, check, compes, confinement, constraint, control, curb, detention, deterrence, deterrent, disadvantage, encumbrance, gyve, hamper, handicap, hindrance, impediment, imprisonment, incarceration, inhibition, interference, iron, limitation, lock, manacle, means of restraint, obstacle, obstruction, prevention, prohibition, rein, repression, restraint, restriction, shackle, strap, suppression, tie, trammel, vinculum, yoke II verb bind, catenas, chain, check, confine, curb, enchain, enclose, entrammel, gyve, hamper, handcuff, handicap, hinder, immobilize, impede, impedire, impose restraint, inhibit motion, inhibit movement, keep in check, lock up, make captive, make prisoner, manacle, paralyze, prohibit, put in irons, put under restraint, restrain, restrain motion, restrain movement, restrict, secure, secure with chains, shackle, shut in, suppress, tie, tie down, trammel, vincula III index apprehend (arrest), bind (restrain), constraint (imprisonment), constraint (restriction), constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), custody (incarceration), detain (restrain), detention, deter, hamper, handcuff (noun), handcuff (verb), hinder, impede, impediment, interfere, restrain, restrict, trammel

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006