
I verb baffle, balk, be obstructive, bring to naught, cause to be nugatory, check, confound, counter, counteract, countermine, cripple, crush, dash, dash one's hopes, defeat, disable, disappoint, disrupt, eludere, frustrate, get in the way of, hamper, hinder, impede, intercept, keep from being successful, nip, obstruct, override, prevent, render vain, restrain, retard, ruin, spoil, stultify, subdue, thwart, undermine, upset, vanquish associated concepts: foil a crime II index arrest (stop), balk, check (bar), circumvent, constrict (inhibit), contravene, counter, counteract, defeat, deter, disadvantage, discontinue (break continuity), enjoin, fight (counteract), frustrate, frustration, halt, hamper, interfere, interrupt, keep (restrain), oppugn, overturn, parry, preclude, prevent, repel (drive back), stem (check), stop, subdue, thwart, withstand

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006