
1. One of the two points at the extremities of the axis of any organ or body. 2. Either of the two points on a sphere at the greatest distance from the equator. 3. One of the two points in a magnet or an electric battery or cell having extremes of opposite properties; the negative p. is a cathode, the positive p. an anode. 4. Either end of a spindle. 5. Either of the differentiated zones at opposite ends of an axis in a cell, organ, or organism. SYN: polus [TA]. [L. polus, the end of an axis, p., fr. G. polos]
- abapical p. in an ovum, the p. opposite the animal p. ( i.e., vegetal p.).
- animal p. the point in a telolecithal egg opposite the yolk, where most of the protoplasm is concentrated and where the nucleus is located; from this region, the polar bodies are extruded during maturation. SYN: germinal p..
- anterior p. of eyeball [TA] the center of the corneal curvature of the eye. SYN: polus anterior bulbi oculi [TA].
- anterior p. of lens [TA] the central point on the anterior surface of the lens of the eye. SYN: polus anterior lentis [TA].
- cephalic p. the head end of the fetus.
- frontal p. [TA] SYN: frontal p. [TA] of cerebrum.
- frontal p. [TA] of cerebrum the most anterior promontory of each cerebral hemisphere. SYN: frontal p. [TA], polus frontalis [TA].
- germinal p. SYN: animal p..
- inferior p. [TA] for a structure having a vertically oriented long axis, the point at the lower end of the axis, nearest the soles of the feet; the lowest point of a structure's surface. See inferior p. of kidney, lower p. of testis. SYN: extremitas inferior [TA], lower p. [TA], inferior extremity (1) , polus inferior.
- inferior p. of kidney [TA] the inferior end of the kidney. SYN: extremitas inferior renis [TA], inferior extremity of kidney, polus inferior renis.
- inferior p. of testis lower p. of testis.
- lateral p. SYN: tubal extremity of ovary.
- lower p. [TA] SYN: inferior p..
- lower p. of testis [TA] the inferior end of the testis. SYN: extremitas inferior testis [TA], inferior p. of testis, polus inferior testis.
- medial p. of ovary SYN: uterine extremity of ovary.
- occipital p. [TA] SYN: occipital p. [TA] of cerebrum.
- occipital p. [TA] of cerebrum the most posterior promontory of each cerebral hemisphere; the apex of the occipital lobe. SYN: occipital p. [TA], polus occipitalis [TA].
- pelvic p. the breech end of the fetus.
- posterior p. of eyeball [TA] the center of the posterior curvature of the eye. SYN: polus posterior bulbi oculi [TA].
- posterior p. of lens [TA] the central point on the posterior surface of the lens. SYN: polus posterior lentis [TA].
- superior p. [TA] for a structure having a vertically oriented long axis, the point at the upper end of the axis, furthest from the soles of the feet; the highest point of a structure's surface. See superior p. of kidney, upper p. of testis. SYN: extremitas superior [TA], upper p. [TA], polus superior, superior extremity (1) .
- superior p. of kidney [TA] the superior end of the kidney. SYN: extremitas superior renis [TA], polus superior renis, superior extremity of kidney.
- superior p. of testis upper p. of testis.
- temporal p. [TA] SYN: temporal p. [TA] of cerebrum.
- temporal p. [TA] of cerebrum the most prominent part of the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe of each cerebral hemisphere, a short distance below the fissure of Sylvius. SYN: polus temporalis [TA], temporal p. [TA].
- upper p. [TA] SYN: superior p..
- upper p. of testis [TA] the superior end of the testis. SYN: extremitas superior testis [TA], polus superior testis, superior p. of testis.
- vegetal p., vegetative p. the part of a telolecithal egg where the bulk of the yolk is situated.
- vitelline p. the vegetative p. of an ovum.

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pole 'pōl n
1 a) either of the two terminals of an electric cell, battery, generator, or motor
b) one of two or more regions in a magnetized body at which the magnetic flux density is concentrated
2) either of two morphologically or physiologically differentiated areas at opposite ends of an axis in an organism, organ, or cell see ANIMAL POLE, VEGETAL POLE

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(in anatomy) the extremity of the axis of the body, an organ, or a cell.

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(pōl) [L. polus; Gr. polos] 1. either extremity of an axis, as of the fetal ellipse, or of an organ of the body; called also polus or extremitas. 2. either of two points that have opposite physical qualities (electric or other).

Medical dictionary. 2011.