A line encircling a globular body, equidistant at all points from the two poles; the periphery of a plane cutting a sphere at the midpoint of, and at right angles to, its axis. [Mediev. L. aequator, fr. L. aequo, to make equal]
- e. of eyeball [TA] an imaginary line encircling the globe of the eye equidistant from the anterior and posterior poles. SYN: e. bulbi oculi [TA].
- e. of lens [TA] the periphery of the lens lying between the two layers of the ciliary zonule. SYN: e. lentis [TA].
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equa·tor i-'kwāt-ər, 'ē-. n
1) a circle or circular band dividing the surface of a body into two usu. equal and symmetrical parts esp. at the place of greatest width <the \equator of the lens of the eye>
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equa·tor (e-kwaґtər) [L. aequator equalizer] an imaginary line encircling a globe, equidistant from the poles. Used in anatomical nomenclature to designate such a line on a spherical organ, dividing the surface into two approximately equal parts. Called also aequator.Medical dictionary. 2011.