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Relating to the middle or center; nearer to the median or midsagittal plane. SYN: medialis [TA]. [L. medialis, middle]
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me·di·al 'mēd-ē-əl adj
1) lying or extending in the middle esp, of a body part lying or extending toward the median axis of the body <the \medial surface of the tibia>
2) of or relating to the media of a blood vessel <necrosis and lipid deposition with \medial involvement>
me·di·al·ly -ə-lē adv
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relating to or situated in the central region of an organ, tissue, or the body.
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me·di·al (meґde-əl) [L. medialis] 1. pertaining to the middle; closer to the median plane or the midline of a body or structure. 2. pertaining to the middle layer of structures.Medical dictionary. 2011.