
1. Relating to a pole. 2. Having poles, said of certain nerve cells having one or more processes. [Mod. L. polaris, fr. polus, pole]

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po·lar 'pō-lər adj
1) of or relating to one or more poles (as of a spherical body)
2) exhibiting polarity esp having a dipole or characterized by molecules having dipoles <a \polar solvent>
3) being at opposite ends of a spectrum of symptoms or manifestations <\polar types of leprosy>

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po·lar (poґlər) [L. polaris pertaining to a pole, from polus (q.v.)] 1. of or pertaining to a pole; see also under compound. 2. being at opposite ends of a spectrum of manifestations, as polar forms of leprosy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.