
Any mental image or concept. [G. form, appearance, fr. idein, to have seen, fr. obs. eido, to see]
- autochthonous ideas thoughts that suddenly burst into awareness as if they are vitally important, often as if they have come from an outside source.
- compulsive i. a fixed and repetitively recurring i..
- dominant i. an i. that governs all one's actions and thoughts.
- fixed i. 1. an exaggerated notion, belief, or delusion that persists, despite evidence to the contrary, and controls the mind; 2. the obstinate conviction of a psychotic person regarding the correctness of a delusion. SYN: idée fixe, overvalued i..
- flight of ideas an uncontrollable symptom of the manic phase of a bipolar depressive disorder in which streams of unrelated words and ideas occur to the patient at a rate that is impossible to vocalize despite a marked increase in the individual's overall output of words. SEE ALSO: mania.
- overvalued i. SYN: fixed i..
- i. of reference the misinterpretation that other people's statements or acts or neutral objects in the environment are directed toward one's self when, in fact, they are not.
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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Internet Database of Evidence-based Abstracts and Articles

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idea ī-'dē-ə, 'īd-(.)ē-ə n
1) an entity (as a thought, concept, sensation, or image) actually or potentially present to consciousness
2) a formulated thought or opinion

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(i-deґə) [Gr. “form”] an impression, thought, or conception resulting from mental activity.

Medical dictionary. 2011.