
Influenced by compulsion; of a compelling and irresistible nature.

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com·pul·sive -'pəl-siv adj of, relating to, caused by, or suggestive of psychological compulsion or obsession <repetitive and \compulsive behavior> <a \compulsive gambler>
com·pul·sive·ly adv
com·pul·sive·ness n
com·pul·siv·i·ty kəm-.pəl-'siv-ət-ē, .käm- n, pl -ties
compulsive n one who is subject to a psychological compulsion

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com·pul·sive (kom-pulґsiv) 1. pertaining to or characterized by compulsion. 2. perfectionistic, rigid, stubborn, indecisive, preoccupied with work; the personality traits of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.