
1. A sum of the attitudes, feelings, memories, traits, and behavioral predispositions that make up the personality. 2. The individual as represented in his or her own awareness and in his or her environment. 3. In immunology, an individual's autologous cell components as contrasted with non-s., or foreign, constituents; the basic mechanism underlying recognition of s. from non-s. is unknown, but serves to protect the host from an immunologic attack on the host's own antigenic constituents, as opposed to immune system destruction or elimination of foreign antigens.
- subliminal s. the sum of the mental processes which take place without the conscious knowledge of the individual. SYN: subconscious mind.
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Self-Evaluation of Life Function [scale]

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self 'self n, pl selves 'selvz
1) the union of elements (as body, emotions, thoughts, and sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a person
2) material that is part of an individual organism <ability of the immune system to distinguish \self from nonself>

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(self) pertaining to an individual's own tissue constituents (self-antigens or autoantigens). Normal animals exhibit self tolerance, lack of immune response to autoantigens, acquired during fetal life by a process of “self recognition.” Cf. nonself.

Medical dictionary. 2011.