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An abnormally frequent discharge of semisolid or fluid fecal matter from the bowel. [G. diarrhoia, fr. dia, through, + rhoia, a flow, a flux]
- cachectic d. d. occurring in patients with severe wasting. Usually due to underlying gastrointestinal disease.
- choleraic d. SYN: summer d..
- chronic bacillary d. prolonged d. occurring in association with bacterial infection, usually occurring in patients with gastrointestinal stasis, allowing bacterial proliferation in the intestine with secondary malabsorption. Occurs in blind-loop syndrome after intestinal surgery, following vagotomy, and occasionally in scleroderma or diabetes.
- Cochin China d. obsolete term for tropical sprue.
- fatty d. d. seen in malabsorption syndromes including chronic pancreatic disease, characterized by foul smelling stools with increased fat content that usually float in water. SYN: pimelorrhea.
- gastrogenous d. a d. that may occur in achylia gastrica, or that is caused by excess secretion of gastric and other intestinal juices.
- morning d. a form in which there are several loose stools in the early morning and during the forenoon, the bowels being quiet during the remainder of the day and night.
- nocturnal d. d. that occurs chiefly at night, usually in association with diabetic autonomic neuropathy.
- pancreatic d. SYN: d. pancreatica.
- d. pancreatica (pan-kre-a′ti-ka) d. characterized by severe, watery, secretory d. and hyperkalemia; most patients have hypercalcemia, many have hyperglycemia; results from excessive secretion of VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) by an islet cell tumor of the pancreas. Sometimes called WDHA syndrome. See Verner-Morrison syndrome, WDHA syndrome. SYN: pancreatic cholera, pancreatic d..
- pancreatogenous d. d. in which the stools are bulky, pale, foul, greasy, and oily, as a result of malabsorption of fat due to deficient secretion of pancreatic enzymes in chronic pancreatitis.
- serous d. d. characterized by watery stools.
- summer d. d. of infants in hot weather, usually an acute gastroenteritis due to the presence of Shigella or Salmonella. SYN: choleraic d..
- toddler's d. recurrent loose stools usually seen in otherwise healthy, normally growing children between the ages of 1 and 3 years, and occurring in daytime; often due to excessive fluid intake.
- traveler's d. d. of sudden onset, often accompanied by abdominal cramps, vomiting, and fever, occurring sporadically in travelers usually during the first week of a trip; most commonly caused by unfamiliar strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.
- tropical d. SYN: tropical sprue.
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di·ar·rhea or chiefly Brit di·ar·rhoea .dī-ə-'rē-ə n abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools
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di·ar·rhea (di″ə-reґə) [dia- + -rrhea] abnormal frequency and liquidity of fecal discharges. diarrheal, diarrheic, diarrhetic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.