
Another name for the intestine. The small bowel and the large bowel are the small intestine and large intestine, respectively. The word "bowel" originated from the Latin "botulus" meaning "sausage" because the outside of the intestine looked like a sausage to the Romans.
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SYN: intestine. See small b. series. [through the Fr. from L. botulus, sausage]
- large b. the colon.
- small b. proximal portion of the intestine distal to the stomach, comprising the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

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bow·el 'bau̇(-ə)l n INTESTINE, GUT also one of the divisions of the intestines usu. used in pl. except in medical use <move your \bowels> <surgery of the involved \bowel>

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see intestine

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bow·el (bouґəl) [Fr. boyau] intestinum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.