An abnormally high concentration of glucose in the circulating blood, seen especially in patients with diabetes mellitus. SYN: hyperglycosemia. [hyper- + G. glykys, sweet, + haima, blood]
- ketotic h. an inborn error of glycine metabolism characterized by lethargy, vomiting, convulsions, hypertonia, and difficulty breathing; milk protein and casein induce attacks; autosomal recessive inheritance.
- nonketotic h. SYN: hyperosmolar (hyperglycemic) nonketotic coma.
- posthypoglycemic h. SYN: Somogyi phenomenon.
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hy·per·gly·ce·mia or chiefly Brit hy·per·gly·cae·mia .hī-pər-glī-'sē-mē-ə n an excess of sugar in the blood
hy·per·gly·ce·mic or chiefly Brit hy·per·gly·cae·mic -mik adj
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hy·per·gly·ce·mia (hi″pər-gli-seґme-ə) [hyper- + glyc- + emia] abnormally increased glucose in the blood, such as in diabetes mellitus.Medical dictionary. 2011.