
1. Possessing one or more flagella. 2. Common name for a member of the class Mastigophora.
- collared f. SYN: choanomastigote.

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fla·gel·late 'flaj-ə-lət, -.lāt; flə-'jel-ət adj
1 a) or flag·el·lat·ed 'flaj-ə-.lāt-əd having flagella
b) shaped like a flagellum
2) of, relating to, or caused by flagellates <\flagellate diarrhea>
flagellate n a flagellate protozoan or alga

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a type of protozoan with one or more fine whiplike threads (see flagellum) projecting from its body surface, by means of which it is able to swim. Some flagellates are parasites of humans and are therefore of medical importance. See Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia, Trichomonas.

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flag·el·late (flajґə-lāt) 1. any microorganism having flagella as organs of locomotion. 2. mastigophoran. 3. to practice flagellation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.