
I verb balk, be contrary to, be in conflict with, clash, conflict with, contest, contradict, counteract, cross, defeat, defy, deny, disagree, dispute, disregard, foil, frustrate, gainsay, go against, impugn, infringe, negate, nullify, oppose, rebut, refute, run counter to, thwart, transgress, traverse, violate associated concepts: contravene a statute, contravene the law II index abrogate (annul), annul, answer (reply), circumvent, collide (clash), complain (criticize), confront (oppose), contest, contradict, controvert, counter, countervail, cross (disagree with), defeat, demonstrate (protest), demur, deny (contradict), disaccord, disaffirm, disagree, disallow, disapprove (reject), discommode, disobey, disown (deny the validity), disprove, dispute (contest), except (object), gainsay, negate, object, offend (violate the law), oppose, oppugn, protest, rebut, refute, reject, repudiate, resist (oppose), thwart, trespass, violate, withstand

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006