
get going
1. begin or set in motion (Freq. 2)

I start at eight in the morning


Ready, set, go!

Syn: ↑start, ↑go
Ant: ↑stop (for: ↑start)
Hyponyms: ↑go on, ↑come up, ↑come on, ↑get off the ground, ↑take off
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s something

2. start to be active

Get cracking, please!

Syn: ↑get cracking, ↑bestir oneself, ↑get moving, ↑get weaving, ↑get started, ↑get rolling
get down, ↑begin, ↑get, ↑start out, ↑start, ↑set about, ↑set out, ↑commence
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s

* * *

get going
1 : to leave

We ought to get going if we don't want to be late.

2 : to start doing something

You should get going on that assignment.

3 a : to start talking

Once he gets going about the war you can't shut him up.

3 b : to cause (someone) to start talking

Don't get him going about the war or you'll never shut him up!

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Main Entry:get

Useful english dictionary. 2012.