
get down
1. lower (one's body) as by kneeling (Freq. 3)

Get down on your knees!

Hypernyms: ↑move
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Something is ——ing PP


Somebody ——s PP

2. move something or somebody to a lower position (Freq. 1)

take down the vase from the shelf

Syn: ↑lower, ↑take down, ↑let down, ↑bring down
Ant: ↑raise (for: ↑lower)
Derivationally related forms: ↑lower (for: ↑lower), ↑lowering (for: ↑lower)
Hypernyms: ↑move, ↑displace
Hyponyms: ↑reef, ↑depress, ↑dip, ↑incline
Cause: ↑descend, ↑fall, ↑go down, ↑come down
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Somebody ——s somebody PP


Somebody ——s something PP

3. alight from (a horse) (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑unhorse, ↑dismount, ↑light, ↑get off
Derivationally related forms: ↑dismount (for: ↑dismount)
Topics: ↑riding, ↑horseback riding
Hypernyms: ↑descend, ↑fall, ↑go down, ↑come down
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s

4. pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking (Freq. 1)

Swallow the raw fish—it won't kill you!

Syn: ↑swallow
Derivationally related forms: ↑swallow (for: ↑swallow)
Hypernyms: ↑consume, ↑ingest, ↑take in, ↑take, ↑have
Hyponyms: ↑bolt
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

5. lower someone's spirits; make downhearted

These news depressed her


The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her

depress, ↑deject, ↑cast down, ↑dismay, ↑dispirit, ↑demoralize, ↑demoralise
Ant: ↑elate (for: ↑depress)
Derivationally related forms: ↑demoralisation (for: ↑demoralise), ↑demoralization (for: ↑demoralize), ↑dismay (for: ↑dismay), ↑dejection (for: ↑deject), ↑depressant (for: ↑depress)
Hypernyms: ↑discourage
Hyponyms: ↑chill
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


The performance is likely to get down Sue

6. put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
Syn: ↑write down, ↑set down, ↑put down
Hypernyms: ↑write
Hyponyms: ↑transcribe, ↑notate, ↑dash down, ↑dash off, ↑note, ↑take down
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

7. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

We began working at dawn


Who will start?


Get working as soon as the sun rises!


The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia


He began early in the day


Let's get down to work now

begin, ↑get, ↑start out, ↑start, ↑set about, ↑set out, ↑commence
Ant: ↑end (for: ↑begin)
Derivationally related forms: ↑commencement (for: ↑commence), ↑start (for: ↑start), ↑starter (for: ↑start), ↑beginner (for: ↑begin), ↑beginning (for: ↑begin)
recommence, ↑strike out, ↑fall, ↑jump off, ↑get to, ↑auspicate, ↑attack, ↑break in, ↑plunge, ↑launch, ↑come on, ↑embark, ↑enter, ↑get cracking, ↑bestir oneself, ↑get going, ↑get moving, ↑get weaving, ↑get started, ↑get rolling
Verb Group: ↑begin
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s to INFINITIVE


Somebody ——s VERB-ing

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informal enjoy oneself by being uninhibited, esp. with friends in a social setting

get down and party!

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get down [phrasal verb]
1 get (someone) down : to cause (someone) to become sad or depressed

The weather was really getting her down.

Talking about politics always gets me down.

2 get (something) down or get down (something)
2 a : to swallow (something) : to eat or drink (something)

You'll feel better once you get this medicine down.

2 b : to write (something) down

If you have a good idea, you should get it down (in writing) so that you won't forget it.

3 informal : to play music or dance with skill and enthusiasm

She likes to get down on the dance floor.

4 get down to (something)
4 a : to start to do (something) : to begin to give your attention or effort to (something)

It's time to stop delaying and get down to work.

Let's get down to business.

4 b : to talk about or describe (something) in a very simple and accurate way

When you get right down to it, this movie is just not very good.

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Main Entry:get

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ˌget ˈdown derived
(of children) (BrE) to leave the table after a meal
Main entry:getderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.