
go on
1. continue a certain state, condition, or activity (Freq. 44)

Keep on working!


We continued to work into the night


Keep smiling


We went on working until well past midnight

Syn: ↑continue, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑keep
Ant: ↑discontinue (for: ↑continue)
Derivationally related forms: ↑continuation (for: ↑continue), ↑continuance (for: ↑continue)
Hypernyms: ↑act, ↑move
Hyponyms: ↑hold, ↑run on, ↑keep going, ↑ride
Verb Group: ↑continue, ↑uphold, ↑carry on, ↑bear on, ↑preserve
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s VERB-ing


Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Something ——s

(for: ↑continue)

Somebody ——s

(for: ↑continue)

They go on moving

2. come to pass (Freq. 24)

What is happening?


The meeting took place off without an incidence


Nothing occurred that seemed important

happen, ↑hap, ↑pass off, ↑occur, ↑pass, ↑fall out, ↑come about, ↑take place
Derivationally related forms: ↑hap (for: ↑hap), ↑happening (for: ↑happen)
break, ↑recrudesce, ↑develop, ↑arise, ↑come up, ↑result, ↑intervene, ↑transpire, ↑give, ↑operate, ↑supervene, ↑proceed, ↑go, ↑come, ↑fall, ↑anticipate, ↑recur, ↑repeat, ↑go off, ↑come off, ↑go over, ↑come around, ↑roll around, ↑happen, ↑materialize, ↑materialise, ↑befall, ↑bechance, ↑betide, ↑concur, ↑coincide, ↑backfire, ↑backlash, ↑recoil, ↑chance, ↑shine, ↑strike, ↑turn out, ↑synchronize, ↑synchronise, ↑contemporize, ↑contemporise
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something is ——ing PP


It ——s that CLAUSE

3. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense (Freq. 23)

Time marches on

Syn: ↑advance, ↑progress, ↑pass on, ↑move on, ↑march on
Ant: ↑recede (for: ↑advance)
Derivationally related forms: ↑progress (for: ↑progress), ↑progression (for: ↑progress), ↑advancement (for: ↑advance), ↑advance (for: ↑advance), ↑advancer (for: ↑advance)
Hypernyms: ↑travel, ↑go, ↑move, ↑locomote
forge, ↑penetrate, ↑creep up, ↑sneak up, ↑encroach, ↑infringe, ↑impinge, ↑press on, ↑push on, ↑plough on, ↑string, ↑string along, ↑pass, ↑overtake, ↑overhaul, ↑close in, ↑draw in, ↑edge, ↑inch, ↑ratchet, ↑rachet up, ↑ratchet down, ↑elapse, ↑lapse, ↑slip by, ↑glide by, ↑slip away, ↑go by, ↑slide by, ↑go along
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s

4. continue talking (Freq. 17)

I know it's hard," he continued, "but there is no choice


carry on—pretend we are not in the room

Syn: ↑continue, ↑carry on, ↑proceed
Derivationally related forms: ↑continuation (for: ↑continue)
Hypernyms: ↑talk, ↑speak
Hyponyms: ↑segue, ↑ramble on, ↑ramble, ↑jog
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s to INFINITIVE


Somebody ——s VERB-ing

5. start running, functioning, or operating (Freq. 3)

the lights went on


the computer came up

Syn: ↑come up, ↑come on
Ant: ↑go off
Hypernyms: ↑start, ↑go, ↑get going
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

Useful english dictionary. 2012.