
1. Absorbent material, such as gauze or prepared cotton, used to absorb fluids. 2. A member of the phylum Porifera, the cellular endoskeleton of which is a source of commercial sponges. SYN: spongia. [G. spongia]
- absorbable gelatin s. a sterile, absorbable, water-insoluble gelatin base s., used to control capillary bleeding in surgical operations; it is left in situ and is absorbed in from 4 to 6 weeks.
- Bernays s. a compressed disk of aseptic cotton that swells when moistened; used in packing cavities.
- compressed s. a s. that is impregnated with a thin mucilage of acacia, wrapped with twine to the desired shape, and then dried; used to dilate sinuses, the os uteri, etc. by absorbing moisture after insertion. SYN: s. tent.
- contraceptive s. a resilient, hydrophilic s. of polyurethane foam impregnated with a spermicide; contraception is achieved by action of the spermicide; no longer manufactured in the U.S.

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sponge 'spənj n
1) an elastic porous mass of interlacing horny fibers that forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals (phylum Porifera) and is able when wetted to absorb liquid
2 a) a small pad made of multiple folds of gauze or of cotton and gauze used to mop blood from a surgical incision, to carry inhalant medicaments to the nose, or to cover a superficial wound as a dressing
b) a porous dressing (as of fibrin or gelatin) applied to promote wound healing
c) a plastic prosthesis used in chest cavities following lung surgery
3) an absorbent contraceptive device impregnated with spermicide that is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse to cover the cervix and act as a barrier to sperm
sponge vt, sponged; spong·ing to cleanse, wipe, or moisten with or as if with a sponge <\sponge the patient's back>

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(spunj) [Gr. spongia] 1. a member of the invertebrate phylum Porifera. 2. the elastic fibrous skeleton of such an animal, used mainly as an absorbent. 3. an absorbent pad of gauze or other material.

Medical dictionary. 2011.