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1. A putting in. 2. The usually more distal attachment of a muscle to the more movable part of the skeleton, as distinguished from origin. 3. In dentistry, the intraoral placing of a dental prosthesis. 4. Intrusion of fragments of any size from molecular to cytogenetic into the normal genome. [L. insertio, a planting in, fr. insero, -sertus, to plant in]
- parasol i. SYN: velamentous i..
- velamentous i. a form of i. of the fetal blood vessel s into the placenta, in which the vessels separate before reaching the placenta and develop toward it in a fold of amnion, somewhat like the ribs of an open parasol. SYN: parasol i..
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in·ser·tion in-'sər-shən n
2) the mode or place of attachment of an organ or part
3 a) a section of genetic material inserted into an existing gene sequence
b) the mutational process producing a genetic insertion
in·ser·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adj
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(in anatomy) the point of attachment of a muscle (e.g. to a bone) that is relatively movable when the muscle contracts. Compare origin.
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in·ser·tion (in-surґshən) [L. inserere to join to] 1. the putting of one thing into something else or among other things. 2. a place of attachment, as of a muscle to the bone it moves. 3. in genetics, a rare nonreciprocal type of translocation involving three breaks in which a segment is removed from one chromosome and then inserted into a broken region of a nonhomologous chromosome. See illustration at aberration.Medical dictionary. 2011.