
Relating to or characterized by sterility. [L. sterilis, barren]

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ster·ile 'ster-əl, chiefly Brit -.īl adj
1) failing to produce or incapable of producing offspring <a \sterile hybrid> compare INFERTILE
2) free from living organisms and esp. microorganisms <a \sterile syringe> <a \sterile cyst>
ster·ile·ly -əl-(l adv
ste·ril·i·ty stə-'ril-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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1. of a living organism) barren; unable to reproduce its kind (see sterility).
2. of inanimate objects) completely free from bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other microorganisms that could cause infection.

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ster·ile (sterґil) [L. sterilis] 1. unable to produce offspring; in females, called also barren. 2. aseptic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.