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- canine a. infection of dogs with Entamoeba histolytica acquired from humans; dogs are seldom cyst passers, and therefore are not a reservoir for human infection.
- a. cutis cutaneous a., appearing usually as an extension of underlying infection ( e.g., perianal or colostomy site or over a liver abscess).
- hepatic a. infection of the liver with Entamoeba histolytica; may occur with or without antecedent amebic dysentery.
- pulmonary a. infection of the lung by amebae; usually indicates extension of Entamoeba histolytica infection from abscess of liver, penetrating through the diaphragm into the lung.
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am·e·bi·a·sis or chiefly Brit am·oe·bi·a·sis .am-i-'bī-ə-səs n, pl -a·ses -.sēz infection with or disease caused by amebas (esp. Entamoeba histolytica)
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ame·bi·a·sis (am″e-biґə-sis) [ameb- + -iasis] infestation with amebae, especially Entamoeba histolytica. Although other protozoa such as Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia, Hartmannella, and Naegleria can infect humans, this term usually refers specifically to infections with E. histolytica.Medical dictionary. 2011.