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Establishment of an artificial connection between the lumen of the colon and the skin. [colo- + G. stoma, mouth]
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co·los·to·my kə-'läs-tə-mē n, pl -mies surgical formation of an artificial anus by connecting the colon to an opening in the abdominal wall compare COLOTOMY
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a surgical operation in which a part of the colon is brought through the abdominal wall and opened in order to drain or decompress the intestine. The part of the colon chosen depends on the site of obstruction. An iliac colostomy opens onto the left lower abdomen; a transverse colostomy on the upper abdomen. The colostomy may be temporary, eventually being closed after weeks or months to restore continuity; or permanent, usually when the rectum or lower colon has been removed. An appliance is usually worn over the colostomy opening (stoma) to prevent soiling the clothes.
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co·los·to·my (kə-losґtə-me) [colo- + -stomy] 1. surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the surface of the body. 2. the opening so created.Medical dictionary. 2011.