
A group of operations on the mastoid process of the temporal bone and middle ear to drain, expose, or remove an infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic lesion. [mastoid (process) + G. ektome, excision]
- complete m. an operation to exenterate the air cell system from the mastoid process of the temporal bone for the drainage of the suppuration in acute mastoiditis. SYN: simple m..
- modified radical m. an operation for the management of cholesteatoma that lies lateral to the remnant of the tympanic membrane and middle-ear ossicles; involves exenteration of the remaining air cells of the mastoid process and removal of the posterior and superior walls of the external auditory canal to open the mastoid and attic of the middle ear to the outside and preserve hearing.
- radical m. an operation for the management of extensive cholesteatoma; involves exenteration of the remaining mastoid air cells and removal of the posterior and superior walls of the external auditory canal and the remnants of the tympanic membrane and middle-ear ossicles to exteriorize the mastoid cavity and middle ear through the external auditory canal. SYN: tympanomastoidectomy.
- simple m. SYN: complete m..

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mas·toid·ec·to·my .mas-.tȯid-'ek-tə-mē n, pl -mies surgical removal of the mastoid cells or of the mastoid process of the temporal bone

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an operation to remove some or all of the air cells in the bone behind the ear (the mastoid process of the temporal bone) when they have become infected (see mastoiditis) or invaded by cholesteatoma. See also atticotomy.

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mas·toid·ec·to·my (mas″toid-ekґtə-me) [mastoid + -ectomy] excision of the mastoid air cells or the mastoid process.

Medical dictionary. 2011.