
1. To direct a patient's interests, thoughts, or feelings into a channel leading outside the self, to some definite aim or object. 2. To expose an organ temporarily for observation, or permanently for purposes of experiment. 3. Fixation of a segment of bowel with blood supply intact to the outer aspect of the abdominal wall.

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ex·te·ri·or·ize or Brit ex·te·ri·or·ise ek-'stir-ē-ə-.rīz vt, -ized or Brit -ised; -iz·ing or Brit -is·ing
2) to bring out of the body (as for surgery) <the section of perforated colon was exteriorized>
ex·te·ri·or·iza·tion or Brit ex·te·ri·or·isa·tion -.stir-ē-ə-rə-'zā-shən n

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ex·te·ri·or·ize (ek-stērґe-ə-rīz″) 1. to form a correct mental reference of the image of an object seen. 2. in psychiatry, to turn one's interest outward. 3. to transpose an internal organ to the exterior of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.