
1. Pertaining to the sense of hearing or to the system serving hearing. 2. Used to describe a person who preferentially uses verbal mental imagery. SEE ALSO: internal representation. [L. audio, pp. auditus, to hear]

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au·di·to·ry 'ȯd-ə-.tōr-ē, -.tȯr- adj
1) of or relating to hearing
2) attained, experienced, or produced through or as if through hearing <\auditory images> <\auditory hallucinations>
3) marked by great susceptibility to impressions and reactions produced by acoustic stimuli <an \auditory individual>
auditory n, pl -ries AUDITORY NERVE

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relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing.

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au·di·to·ry (awґdĭ-tor″e) [L. auditorius] pertaining to the sense of hearing; called also aural.

Medical dictionary. 2011.