
I adjective affiliated, allied, amalgamated, associated, attached, banded together, blended, bonded, cemented, coadunate, coexistent, coherent, cohesive, collective, combined, compatible, composite, compound, concerted, concordant, concurrent, conglomerate, conjoint, conjunctive, connected, consolidated, coupled, fused, harmonious, incorporated, indivisible, infrangible, inseparable, interrelated, joined, joint, linked, merged, mutual, one, solid, undivided associated concepts: unitary trial, unity of interest, unity of possession, unity of title II index affiliated, associated, attached (annexed), coadunate, coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking), collective, composite, compound, concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), conglomerate, conjoint, conjugal, consensual, federal, harmonious, indivisible, infrangible, inseparable, interrelated, joint, mutual (collective), nuptial, solid (compact)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006