
I adjective accommodative, accordant, agreeable, agreeing, aligned, allied, assenting, assentive, at one, banded together, blending, bonded, cemented, coexistent, coexisting, coinciding, combinative, compatible, complementary, compliant, concors, concurrent, concurring, conformable, conforming, congruent, congruous, conjoined, conjunctional, consensual, consentaneous, consenting, consistent, consonant, coordinate, correlated, correlative, correspondent, corresponding, fusing, harmonious, in accord, in agreement, in concert, in conjunction, in harmony, in rapport, in unison, joint, merged, merging, mutual, of the same mind, reconcilable, sympathetic, unanimous, uniform, united, uniting II index agreed (harmonized), appropriate, commensurable, commensurate, concerted, concurrent (united), congruous, consensual, consenting, consistent, consonant, correlative, felicitous, fit, harmonious, joint, nonmilitant

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006