
I (dense) adjective arranged within a small space, bunched, close, close-knit, close-set, close together, closely united, clustered, cohesive, compacted, compressed, concentrated, condensed, consolidated, constricted, constringed, contracted, crammed, crowded, densified, economical of space, firm, firmly united, forced into smaller space, hard, massed, massive, packed, populous, pressed into smaller compass, pressed together, rammed, serried, solid, solidified, space saving, squeezed together, stuffed, thick, tight, tightly knit II (pithy) adjective abbreviated, abbreviatory, abridged, abstracted, aphoristic, aphoristical, apothegmatic, apothegmatical, brief, compendious, concise, condensed, contracted, crisp, curt, digested, direct, epigrammatic, epitomized, expressed concisely, gnomic, gnomical, laconic, meaty, outlined, pointed, recapitulated, sententious, short, shortened, shrunk, straightforward, succinct, summarized, summary, summed up, synoptic, telescoped, terse, tidy, to the point, trim III noun agreement, agreement between parties, arrangement, bargain, cartel, commitment, compromise, concord, concordat, contract, contractual obligation, contractual statement, convention, conventus, covenant, deal, entente, entente cordiale, indenture, mutual pledge, mutual promise, obligation, pact, pactio, pactum, pledge, promise, stipulation, treaty, understanding associated concepts: interstate compact foreign phrases:
- Pacta privata furl publico derogare non possunt. — Private compacts cannot derogate from public right
- Re, verbis, scripto, consensu, tradltione, functura vestes sumere pactasolent — Agreements usually take their clothing from the thing itself, from words, from writing, from consent, from delivery.
IV index abstract (summarize), adjustment, agreement (contract), arrangement (understanding), attornment, bargain, brief, cartel, coadunate, composition (agreement in bankruptcy), concentrate (consolidate), conciliation, concise, concordance, conjoint, consensus, consolidate (strengthen), consolidation, consortium (marriage companionship), conspiracy, constrict (compress), contract, corporate (joint), covenant, crystallize, decrease, indenture, league, mutual understanding, pact, pithy, pledge (binding promise), populous, promise, protocol (agreement), reduce, sententious, specialty (contract), stipulation, succinct, treaty, understanding (agreement), undertaking (pledge)

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