
I adjective abundant, accepted, accustomary, accustomed, all-embracing, ascendant, catholic, characteristic, chief, colloquial, common, commonplace, conformable, conventional, current, customary, dominant, epidemic, established, everyday, extensive, familiar, frequent, frequently met, general, generally accepted, global, habitual, household, normal, ordinary, pandemic, pedestrian, pervulgatus, popular, predominant, preponderant, prevailing, rampant, regular, rife, run of the mill, set, standard, stock, sweeping, typical, universal, vernacular, well-known, widely accepted, widely known, widespread, worldwide II index common (customary), conventional, current, customary, dominant, extensive, familiar (customary), frequent, general, habitual, household (familiar), influential, master, material (important), ordinary, popular, predominant, present (current), prevailing (current), proverbial, rampant, regular (conventional), rife, routine, typical, usual

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006