
I (domestic) adjective at home, domesticus, domiciled, domiciliary, domiciliated, family, fond of home, having home interests, home, home-loving, home-owning, homemaking, housekeeping, in residence, lares, penates, pertaining to home, pertaining to the ramny, residential, residentiary associated concepts: household articles, household effects, household goods, household member, household servant II (familiar) adjective accustomed, celebrated, cognized, common, commonly known, commonplace, conventional, customary, everyday, famous, habitual, ordinary, plain, popular, prevalent, recognized, regular, renowned, simple, standard, stock, talked-about, talked-of, universally recognized, usual, well-known, well-recognized, widely known, widespread, workaday III noun domestic circle, domestic domicile, domestic establishment, domus, establishment, familia, family, family abode, family circle, family dwelling place, habitation, home, homestead, lodging, parents and children, place of abode, residence associated concepts: homestead foreign phrases:
- Domus sua cuique est tutisslmum refugium. — Everyone's home is his safest refuge
- Debet sua cuique domus esse perfugium tutisslmum. — Every man's home should be a perfectly safe refuge.
IV index domestic (household), familiar (customary), home (domicile), homestead, house, ordinary, prevalent, property (land), residential

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