
pre·sent 1 /pri-'zent/ vt
1: to lay before a court as an object of consideration
present a complaint
present ed a defense of insanity
2: to make a presentment of (an instrument)
pre·sen·ta·tion /ˌprē-ˌzen-'tā-shən, ˌpre-, -zən-/ n
pre·sent·er n
pres·ent 2 /'pre-zənt/ adj
1: now existing
a present undivided interest in the property
a present ability to pay
2: constituting the one actually involved or being considered
the present case
3: being in attendance: being in one place and not elsewhere
no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members presentU.S. Constitution art. I

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.