
I verb adhere, apply oneself, be constant, be determined, be obstinate, be resolute, be steadfast, be steady, be stubborn, be tenacious, be unyielding, carry on, cling, cling tenaciously, constare, continue, endure, exert oneself, follow up, go forward, go on, hang on, hold fast, hold on, hold out, keep driving, keep going, keep on, keep up, labor, last, maintain, maintain a course, outlast, perpetuate, persist, persistere, perstare, plod, plug away, prevail, prolong, pursue, refuse to give up, refuse to yield, remain, resist change, run on, spare no effort, stand fast, stand firm, stay, stick to, stop at nothing, struggle, survive, sustain, take no denial, toil, work unceasingly, work unflaggingly II index adhere (persist), bear (tolerate), continue (persevere), endeavor, endure (last), hold out (resist), insist, keep (continue), last, maintain (carry on), persist, prolong, pursue (carry on), recur, remain (continue), resist (withstand), stay (continue)

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