
I (continue) verb adhere, be constant, be permanent, be steadfast, be tenacious, carry on, continue, endure, exist, extend, go on, hang on, hold out, keep, keep going, keep on, last, linger, maintain, outlast, outlive, perdure, perpetuate, persevere, persist, prevail, proceed, progress, prolong, pursue, stand fast, stand firm, stay, subsist, survive, sustain II (occupy) verb be present, dwell, enjoy, have, have possession, hold, hold possession, inhabit, live in, lodge, maintain, own, possess, reside, retain III (stay) verb adhere, await, be anchored, be dormant, be immobile, be immovable, be inert, be motionless, be sedentary, be stationary, be transfixed, come to stay, delay, durare, hold, last, linger, lodge, pause, remanere, repose, rest, set in, stand, stand fast, wait associated concepts: remain in possession after the expiration of a lease, remain on premises IV index cease, dwell (reside), endure (last), exist, halt, inhabit, keep (continue), last, lodge (reside), persevere, persist, reside, resist (withstand), stay (continue), stay (rest), subsist

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006