achievement, aim, application, assiduity, attempt, bid, campaign, cause, conatus, contentio, deed, effort, emprise, enterprise, essay, exercise, exertion, experiment exploit, feat, labor, nisus, pains, project, pursuance, pursuit, quest, scheme, search, strain, strenuous effort, struggle, sustained trial, task, toil, travail, trial, try, undertaking, venture, work
address oneself to, aim, apply oneself to, aspire, assay, assume, attempt, attempt strenuously, be resolute, bestir oneself, bid, compete for, conari, contendere, do all one can, do one's best, do one's utmost, engage in, eniti, essay, exert effort, exert oneself, experiment, labor, make a bid, make an attempt, make an effort, persevere, pursue, put oneself out, resolve, risk, seek, set about, spare no effort, spare no pains, strain, strive, struggle, tackle, take a crack at, take action, take on, take pains, take up, take upon oneself, test, toil, trouble oneself, try, undertake, venture, vie for, work at
activity, attempt, business (occupation), calling, campaign, conatus, course, creation, effort, enterprise (undertaking), experiment, industry (activity), intend, labor (exertion), labor, profession (vocation), project, pursuit (effort to secure), pursuit (occupation), strive, struggle, test, trial (experiment), try (attempt), undertake, undertaking (enterprise), venture, work (effort)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.