
I (imprisonment) noun act of keeping in, apprehension, arrest, bondage, bonds, bounds, captivity, care, charge, commitment, confinement, containment, control, custodianship, custody, detainment, detention, encincture, enclosure, enthrallment, fetter, immuration, immurement, impoundment, incarceration, internment, keeping, legal restraint, preventive custody, preventive detention, prison, prohibition, protective custody, quarantine, remand, restriction II (restriction) noun act of forestalling, act of hampering, act of quelling, act of stifling, act of strangling, act of thwarting, astriction, bar, circumscription, coercion, compulsion, constriction, curb, deprivation, detainment, determent, disallowance, disapprobation, duress, encumbrance, enthrallment, fetter, forbiddance, force, hindrance, impediment, inhibition, interdict, interdiction, limitation, muzzle, obstruction, obstructionism, preclusion, pressure, prevention, prohibition, proscription, rein, repression, restraint, restrictive practice, strangulation, stultification, suppression, temperance, trammel associated concepts: estoppel III index bar (obstruction), bondage, captivity, coercion, commitment (confinement), composure, compulsion (coercion), control (restriction), custody (incarceration), detention, deterrence, deterrent, discipline (obedience), disincentive, duress, embarrassment, enforcement, fetter, force (compulsion), incarceration, limitation, moderation, obstacle, obstruction, pressure, prohibition, quota, requirement, restraint, restriction, retention

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