
I verb account for, acquaint, apprise, clarify, disclose, divulge, edify, educate, elucidate, enable to comprehend, enable to see, enucleate, explain, explicate, expound, free from ignorance, free from prejudice, free from superstition, give reason for, illuminate, illumine, illustrate, impart, inform, inluminare, inlustrare, instruct, interpret, make aware, make clear, make known, notify, report, reveal, shed light upon, simplify, spell out, teach, tutor II index admit (concede), advise, apprise, clarify, comment, communicate, construe (translate), convey (communicate), disabuse, discipline (train), disclose, divulge, edify, educate, elucidate, explain, explicate, exposit, herald, illustrate, impart, inform (notify), initiate, instruct (teach), mention, notify, report (disclose), reveal, signify (inform)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006