
I verb acquaint, admonish, advise, air, announce, apprise, awaken, brief, clear the mind, communicate, convey, correct, debunk, direct the attention to, disclose, disillusion, divulge, edify, educate, enlarge the mind, enlighten, eripere, expose, fill with information, free from a mistaken belief, free from error, give to understand, illumine, impart, indicate, inform, instruct, lay open, let know, make known, manifest, notify, open the mind, point out, prove, put right, put straight, recount, rectify, relate, remedy, remove falsehood, report, reveal, rid of deception, set right, set straight, specify, state, straighten out, teach, tell the truth, unbeguile, unblindfold, uncover, undeceive, unfold, unfool, unmask, unveil, vent II index debunk, inform (notify), reveal

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006