
I (field of study) noun area of education, area of learning, branch of instruction, branch of knowledge, course, curriculum, doctrine, education, field of interest, field of learning, learning, lore, teaching II (obedience) noun acquiescence, compliance, constancy, constraint, control, curb, deference, devotion, disciplina, dutifulness, faithfulness, fidelity, limitation, loyalty, malleability, nonresistance, obsequiousness, observance, pliancy, repression, restraint, self-command, self-conquest, self-denial, self-direction, self-mastery, self-regulation, self-restraint, servility, stoicism, strength of character, strength of will, submission, submissiveness, subordination to rules, will power associated concepts: disciplinary proceeding III (punishment) noun amercement, castigation, chastening, chastisement, correction, deprivation, infliction, judgment, just deserts, penal retribution, penalty, penance, penology, reprimand, reproof, retribution, retributive justice, scourge, suffering, trial IV (training) noun coaching, conditioning, conduct, cultivation, development, diligent exercise, diligent practice, drill, drilling, exercise, grooming, guidance, inculcation, indoctrination, initiation, instruction, practice, preparation, qualification, readying, regulation, rehearsal, schooling, system of drill, systematic training V (control) verb administer, bridle, bring to a state of obedience, bring under subjection, check, command, curb, direct, dominate, exercere, exercise direction over, govern, govern strictly, harness, hold in leash, hold in line, limit, make toe the line, manage, muzzle, oversee, pull in, regulate, rein in, restrain, restrict, stand over, subjugate, superintend, supervise VI (punish) verb administer correction, bring to retribution, call to account, carry out a sentence, castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, deal retributive justice, exact a penalty, exact retribution, execute a sentence, execute judgment, execute justice, get even with, give one his deserts, impose a penalty, inflict penalty, inflict penance upon, make an example of, penalize, reprove, scourge, sentence, subject to punishment, take to task, visit punishment associated concepts: deterrence, disciplinary proceeding, isolation, rehabilitation, retribution VII (train) verb accustom, break in, bring up, coach, condition, cultivate, direct, educate, enlighten, form, foster, give directions, give instructions, give lessons in, groom, guide, habituate, impress upon the mind, inculcate, indoctrinate, infuse, instill, instituere, instruct, nurture, prepare, put through paces, qualify, raise, ready, rear, school, show, train by instruction VIII index castigate, comport (behave), condemn (punish), control (supervision), correction (punishment), criterion, edify, educate, force (compulsion), inculcate, labor (exertion), method, moderate (preside over), penalize, practice (train by repetition), punish, punishment, regulate (manage), regulation (rule), reprisal, restraint, rigor, sanction (punishment), science (study), subdue

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