
I verb acquire knowledge, analyze, apply the mind, attend, audit, cerebrate, consider, contemplate, devote oneself to, dissect, do research, educate oneself, examine, excogitate, explore, eye, incumbere, inquire into, inspect, intellectualize, investigate, learn, meditate, mull over, muse, note, observe, peruse, ponder, pore over, probe, pursue, read, reconnoiter, reflect upon, research, review, revolve in the mind, ruminate, scan, school oneself, scrutinize, search into, sift, specialize, studere, survey, think about, train in, view, weigh II index analysis, analyze, audit, brood, canvass, check (inspect), consider, consideration (contemplation), contemplation, deliberate, deliberation, diligence (care), hornbook, indagation, inquire, inquiry (systematic investigation), inspection, knowledge (learning), monitor, observation, overlook (superintend), pandect (treatise), peruse, ponder, preoccupation, probe, read, reason (conclude), reflect (ponder), reflection (thought), research (noun), research (verb), review (official reexamination), review, scrutinize, scrutiny, subject (topic), survey (examine), test, treatment, trial (experiment), weigh

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