
I verb admonish, be severe, berate, call to account, castigare, caution, censure bitterly, chasten, chastise, chide, criticize severely, deal retributive justice, discipline, excoriate, execrate, expostulate, objurgate, rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, take to task, upbraid, vituperate associated concepts: judicial censure II index blame, censure, complain (criticize), condemn (blame), criticize (find fault with), denounce (condemn), disapprove (condemn), discipline (punish), expostulate, fault, ill use, impeach, lash (attack verbally), penalize, proscribe (denounce), punish, rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach

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