
I (disagree with) verb act in opposition to, argue, be opposed to, collide, conflict with, confront, confute, contend, contest, contradict, contravene, controvert, debate, defy, dispute, gainsay, homini obsistere, make a stand against, neutralize, oppose, protest, refuse to conform, refute, repudiate, resist, run counter to, speak against, take exception, traverse associated concepts: cross action, cross-appeal, cross-claim, cross-complaint, cross-demand, cross-examination, cross-interrogatories, cross libels, cross-motions, cross-petition, cross-remainders, cross section, cross-suit, crosswalk II (intersect) verb bisect, braid, crisscross, crosscut, cut across, divide, go across, halve, intercross, interrupt, intersect, lie across, move across, section, segment, separate, split, traverse III index annoy, antagonize, bitter (reproachful), conflict, confront (oppose), contentious, contravene, counter, counteract, countervail, discompose, disobey, fight (counteract), fractious, froward, harrow, inimical, interfere, intertwine, oppugn, pass (advance), perambulate, perverse, petulant, plague, querulous, resist (oppose), stress (strain), thwart, traverse

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006