
I (canvass) noun capitation, catalogue of persons, census, census report, census return, count, enumeration, evaluation, inquiry, numbering, numeration, public opinion, questionary, questionnaire, register, registration, return, statistic, survey, tabulation, tally II (casting of votes) noun ballot, casting of ballots, choice, consensus, decision, determination, election, elective privilege, expression of will, formal expression of choice, plebiscite, popular decision, preference, referendum, selection, voice, vote associated concepts: electioneering at poll, polling place III verb ballot, call the roll, canvass, collect the vote, compute, conduct research on, count, enumerate, keep count of, keep score, list, make a survey, record the vote, register, run checks on, sample, score, survey, tabulate, take a census, take a roll call, tally, total IV index canvass, cast (register), census, election (selection by vote), inquiry (request for information), plebiscite, primary, referendum, vote (noun), vote (verb)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006