
vote 1 n [Latin votum vow, hope, wish]
1 a: a usu. formal expression of opinion or will in response to a proposed decision; esp: one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, motion, or candidate for office
b: the total number of such votes made known at a single time
got half the vote
2: the collective opinion or preference of a body of persons expressed by voting
3: the right to cast a vote; specif: the right of suffrage
4 a: the act or process of voting
brought the question to a vote
b: a method of voting
vote 2 vb vot·ed, vot·ing
1 a: to cast or conduct a vote
vote for acquittal
b: to exercise a political franchise
encourage people to vote
1: to choose, endorse, decide the disposition of, defeat, or authorize by vote
vote an appropriation
2: to cast votes on a corporate matter on the basis of
voted their shares against the proposed merger

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.