
reg·is·ter 1 /'re-jə-stər/ n [Anglo-French registre, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, pl., register, from Latin, neuter plural of regestus, past participle of regerere to bring back, pile up, collect]
1: a written record containing regular entries of items or details; specif: police register
2 a: a book or system of public records (as titles or patents)
b: a roster of qualified or available individuals
c: the formal record maintained by a corporation of the names and addresses of holders of its registered securities
3: registry
4 [probably alteration of Middle English registrer registrar]: registrar
register 2 vb -tered, -ter·ing
1: to make or secure official entry of in a register
register a car
register a title
2: to enroll formally esp. as a voter or student
3: to secure special protection for (a piece of mail) by prepayment of a fee
1: to enroll one's name in a register
2: to enroll one's name officially as a prerequisite for voting

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.