
I (harmonized) adjective accordant, adapted, appeased, arbitrated, arranged, balanced, coherent, compromised, conceded, conciliated, concordant conforming, correlative, correspondent, counterbalanced, equable, equal, equalized, equivalent, matching, mediated, negotiated, parallel, propitiated, reconciled, settled, suited associated concepts: agreed case, agreed price, agreed statement of facts, agreed submission of a case, agreed upon price, agreed value foreign phrases:
- Ad quod curia concordavit. — To which the court agreed.
II (promised) adjective affirmed, approved, arranged, assured, attested, avowed, committed, confirmed, contracted, covenanted, declared, endorsed, guaranteed, insured, pledged, stipulated, sworn, warranted associated concepts: agreed price, agreed value III index concerted, congruous, conjoint, contractual, res judicata

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