
1. adverb /ʌp,ap/
a) Away from the center of the Earth or other planet; in opposite direction to the downward pull of gravity.

I looked up and saw the airplane overhead.

b) Thoroughly, completely.

They are walking up the steps.

2. preposition /ʌp,ap/
a) Toward the top of.

The cat went up the tree.

b) Further along (in any direction).

Go up the street until you see the sign.

3. adjective /ʌp,ap/
a) Awake.

I can’t believe it’s 3 a.m. and you’re still up.

b) Finished, to an end

Time is up!

4. noun /ʌp,ap/
a) The direction opposed to the pull of gravity.

Up is a good way to go.

b) a positive thing.

I hate almost everything about my job. The only up is that its so close to home.

5. verb /ʌp,ap/
a) To increase or raise.

If we up the volume, well be able to make out the details.

b) To promote.

It wasn’t long before they upped him to Vice President.

Syn: turn up

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